Marian's PS challenge is to create a mini book. I've never done one before although working on small things like tags and cards [and perhaps] a mini book is something I love to do and enjoy doing! My problem with mini books is storage. They would be too tiny to put on the shelves along with the bigger albums. I would have to adjust the shelves to make a special place for them. There would be sooo many little albums lying around for people to pull and view and left cluttered on tables, chairs, or on the floor. If we decide to move [again] they will occupy a lot of boxes to be carried out. There is a possibility of a few getting lost; or a box of them getting tossed out [argh! it has happened before , no, not with photo albums, but other records and unmounted pictures].
But it's a challenge so I made one. This Mini Book about my DD is not the original one I made for this challenge. I saw another challenge about a mini so I decided to save the first mini for the other challenge and quickly whipped this one up.
This is DD when she was over a year-old. She loves to wear our shoes. Of course, since DH's shoes are bigger and heavier, she'd wear mine. There was a picture of her wearing my heels too but at the time I was rushing to complete this mini I couldn't find that one so I used this one instead.

Truly, this proves the saying "Monkey see, Monkey do". So be careful with what you do [and say] when little mini you
s are around. My little princess painting her TOES! Yes, toes... how can a 2-year old paint just the toe nails?
The thing I love about this picture are her pig tails. DD was born with thick black hair which fell out every time she got a bath. She ended up with fine brownish hair that took forever to grow! We were both excited [she, especially] when I was able to pull together a handful of strands into 2 tiny pig tails!

Ahhhh...! the fur coat! I remember buying some faux fur remnants at JoAnn's to make into teddy bears. But when we went to the Philippines for a visit when DD was 6 months old, I decided to have a fur coat made for her. It took a few more years before she could wear it.
I should have bought white fur!
Driving away in a little red Mercedes convertible, which matched our little red Subaru. It was Spring, a little chilly outside but she couldn't wait to drive away.

How antique is this?!!! This is like the first lap top I've seen! She was so mesmerized to see the letters pop up on the screen. If you are wondering about the title for this page, it says, "IYQ"
Come on, say it fast 3 times in a row. Get it? Awwww..... IYQ2 !!!

Little munchkin found the calculator and highlighter. Couldn't decide which one to use first. She must have seen me do something like this!

DD was so excited about this new toy! So whenever I iron the clothes she plays with this. I believe in toys that make kids mimic grown ups. It is a preparation for when they become adults!

My baby doll nursing her baby cute is that???

I've always wondered what made her pick up the broom and do this. She seemed so intent on getting the job done!

Ah...! my favorite. Really just like me...

The END! TFL!!