Well, it's happening! DH couldn't wait to get out of the house. 44 days after we checked out the apartment in the UIC area, which she will be sharing with 2 girl friends, the day has finally come for her to move out.
She's been packing her things by herself, deciding what to bring and what to leave behind.

A few pairs of shoes, some pictures DH framed himself which were
just stored in a corner in the basement...

... boxes of clothes and books...

... and here are the movers....

The new apartment... new roomies... new friends.
I won't say good-bye, Babycakes! I know you will be back soon!
If anyone got really affected by the move, it's not me. Now I can move some of my scrapbooking things into her room ngye-he-he-he-he!
Well, OK. My brother, Nani, who "lives" in the smallest room in the house, which has a window facing the west has mentioned that it's too hot and too bright in his room. He's a nurse and most of the time works in the evenings and is asleep all day. So I moved him to where my kalat room is and I moved my kalat to DD's room, and moved DD's bed and a small dresser into the small room. It worked out fine! With the new arrangement I can easily access everything. Now I just have to memorize where everything is!
So.. here's who got affected by the move. Poor Sarge. He went around sniffing everything wondering where all the kalat came from.

Poor, poor Sarge! He was so depressed the first week DD was gone. He didn't eat. He just laid in a corner in the dining room. He didn't even go upstairs to visit me. Usually he sits by my side when I'm working in my kalat room. He lost weight! I had to hand-feed him but he just refused.
I was so worried that on the 4th day of DD being away, I called her to come home and take Sarge to the vet. DD came home the following day and Sarge perked up a little. He came over to eat his food. He didn't eat much and still didn't visit upstairs for another week. When DD went back to Chicago, at least he was still eating but not his usual appetite.
He was himself again the second weekend DD came home. So now, da cat knows that DD didn't really go away. He hasn't gained his weight back but at least now he's eating!
Whew! Never thought this move would affect da cat so much!